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And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali. Hosea 2:16 


Strongs Number- H3469 יִשְׁעִי Ishi Is Yish`iy Rooted From H3467 Which is יָשַׁע YASHA













Hosanna In The Highest!! King of the Hebrews

Yashaya (Ya-Si-Ya), Are Two Different Wordings "Yasha" and "Ya" Which Are Then Translated Into English As "My Saviour". This Blessed Name Of Messiah However Was Taken Away From Us By The Translators Of The English Bible! During The Take Over Of The Roman Catholic Church, Those Whom Were Pope Appointed Translators Was Commanded To Add And Take Away Books From The Hebrew Bible. We Learn In Gnosticism That Such Gospels Such As "The Gospel Of Truth, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Judas, etc" Are Founded In The New Testament Apocrypha which is a number of writings by Those Within Paganism that claim(Not Based Within FACT) to be accounts of Jesus(even though they claim that there was TWO jesus on the earth) and his teachings, the nature of God(which they also believe there is MANY gods), or the teachings of his apostles and of their lives. Many Of The Roman Church Gain Thier Doctrine From Such Books Which Was Built Off Satanism. The Belief Of Catholic Comes From Those In Whom Could Not Convert The Gentles Into The Belief Of God, In Which They Therefore Blended Paganism Into The Hebrew Belief of Messiah in 75 AD and by king constantine the great These Doctrines Was Declared To Be Law. In Creating The Religion Of Christianity, Roman Catholics were taught that all those outside their membership were heretics to be shunned, persecuted or even killed. The Catholic Inquisition, in which hundreds of thousands of people were butchered and burnt at the stake and the Crusades are merely 2 examples of this So How Is A Church Built Off The Blood Of The Saints Even Worthy To Proclaim The Name Of The Messiah? The Name "Jesus" Came Out Of The Word "Ieosus" That Is Proclaimed As A Hail To Zeus "Hail Zeus". It Was A Command In The Greek Gentle World That Those Whom Did Not Bow Down Unto Zeus Would Be Killed On Spot. Mohammad Saw This Great Display Of The Christian Church And Took These "devine" Orders From The Catholics To Their Own Religion. The Christian Church Of Today My Friends Is The Mannafest Of Anti-Christ (An-ti "Replacement") (Christ "The Messiah") By Replacing The Throne Of Yashaya With The Throne Of The Baal And Zeus! This Is The Catholic Church Is The One World Religion! Stop Looking For Something That's Already HERE!! Be Warned Brothers And Sisters, This IS The Great Falling Away!

Praise Be To Ahayah That He Has Knowing This Proclaimed In Scripture That All Men, Women, King And Queen Will Bow Down To One Name For There Is No Other Name In Witch We Can Be Saved, And This Name Is YASHAYA MY MESSIAH AND SALVATION! 

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