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In Times Of Old, The Children Of Israel In Order To Be Forgiven Of God Would Have To Follow Unto The Laws Of Moses That They May Keep The Law Of The Lord Holy And Rightous. This Convenant Would Make It To Where If They Followed Though With Every Single Law, They Would Be Blessed And If They Broke Even One The Warth of God Would Fall Upon Them. This Was The Hardest Thing For Any Man To Follow Though With In Which They Failed Horrable In. With Not Even One Well Able To Keep All Of The Laws Of God. Israel Rather Then Obeying God Began To Steal, Kill, Destory, And Prevert Themselfs. God Seeing That They Could Not Keep The Law Made A Promise To Them. You See God Knew From The Begining That They Had No Ablity To Keep The Law, Becasue The Purpose Of The Law Was To Bring Condemnation And Raise Up Sin In Them Not Becasue God Wanted Them To Be Sinful Not Was It Because The Law Is SInful But Becasue God Wanted Them To Realize The They Needed A Savior. No Man Can Truly Realize How Much Of Salvation They Need Untill They've Fallen So Deep That They Can't Get Up. Israel Came To A Place Where They Fell Away Soo Bad It Seemed That They Could Not Get Back Up Again. This Was When God Said "Now That I've Got You Broken, Will You Let Me Take Over?" Becasue Israel Had Always Thought That By Works Of The Flesh They Could Keep The Law. God Had TO Mannafest Himself In Flesh And Provide The Prefect Blood Offering Then On Top Of That Give Us The Holy Spirit In Order To Teach Us How To Keep The Law And Give Us The Abilty To Keep That Same Law. We Cannot Do It In Of Ourselfs Becasue This Flesh Is Born Sinful, All It Knows To Do Is Sin. God Only Wants The Heart And Soul, And Commands Us To Keep Our Bodies In Order To Show The Rest Of The World That Keeping The Law Is Possable By The Holy Spirit And By The Blood Of The Lamb. This Is The New Covenant Of Israel That We Would Be In Other Nations, Other Tounges, And Some Will Depart From The Faith. The Great Falling Away Is Not People Not Coming To Church, But Rather It Is Israel Serving "Wood And Stone"(Christianity And Islam) But God Has Given Us Grace Where By Not Only Israel Can Now Be Redemed By Even The Gentles. All By The Finish Work Of Yashaya, We Are Free And Have Even Given Israel And Those That Are Adopted In Spirit That We Will Enter Israel Again When The New Heaven And New Earth Has Come! 



 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord:  But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

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